Sunday, June 12, 2011

You Should Be Listening To...CocknBullKid

CocknBullKid 11

She's a super talented Brit hailing from London with a lovely voice! Her songs are really colorful and pop, but not annoying Top 40 pop. She's actually got stuff to say!

Her videos are all visually fresh and interesting as well. She has such a pretty, lilting voice. And I like what she has to say in interviews as well. I kind of always gauge an artist by how much I would want to be their friend (lol) and she is one cool lady. She passes my friend test with flying colors!

Some memorables from a 2009 Guardian article: 
On not fitting into standards of beauty: ”I was slimmer and had nicer hair, but I was fucking miserable. I don’t want to be ‘pretty’. I don’t aspire to be like the Pussycat Dolls. I want people to say, ‘Oh, she’s a bit fat, that’s all right, then.’ I want to be an artist who people can believe in.” 
On being a black artist: ”I’m into the new and futuristic. People put me in the MIA category, but I’m not grime and I’m not some ‘ghetto princess’. I want to make pop music. The media put black people in boxes. It really irks me.”


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Holy Matrimony

Kim got married this past weekend (!!!) and I got the chance to stretch my amateur photographer legs.
Some of us bridesmaids. My friend K on the left and M on the right. I'm in the middle! (duh)

Maid of Honor looking wonderful!

The happy couple.

Oh man. I hope I am this full of energy when I'm his age!

What's a wedding without dancing Marines?

And my favorite picture: 

On the count of three everyone say "AWWWWWWW"


I get teary eyed just thinking about it. I am a true die hard romantic and the thought of marriage is so beautiful to me. Spending the rest of your life with someone who promised to love you forever, no matter what...And don't get me wrong, I'm not naive. I know that nowadays, marriages have a 50 percent survival rate and that real life often gets in the way of promises and dedication. But that IDEA, that two people could love each other so much that (at least once upon a time) they wanted to be together forever is simply lovely. And possible. I imagine it to be a long hard road, but nothing worth doing is ever really easy.
Just my two cents.
If you're interested.
Which you'd better be!
Just kidding. (No, but really you better be.)

I'm off to bed. (3:53AM eek!) Happy Tuesday!

Isn't She Lovely?

This is one of my best friends Kim =)

She was my first muse for this impromptu photo shoot with my new Nikon.

Ain't she beau-tee-full?!

Glad to have a camera that can actually catch that hair swing action!
